CSDE Projects Overview

A Collective Initiative to Sustain the Growth of Our Global Digital Economy

To protect our digital ecosystem, industry’s dedication to security must equal its passion for innovation. The Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE) brings together leaders from across the ICT sector to assess threats to the expanding digital ecosystem and drive collective solutions, framed through a shared digital economy lens.

The digital economy can be calculated as the share of total economic output derived from a number of broad inputs, such as digital infrastructure (hardware, software and communications equipment), digital skills, and the intermediate digital goods and services used in production. By some estimates, the digital economy may already represent a fifth of global economic value, and its projected value by 2025 is $23 trillion – which is almost a quarter of global GDP. [1].


The C2 Consensus on IoT Device Security Baseline Capabilities – We convened 20 leading organizations representing thousands of companies to advance the broadest and most technically deep industry consensus on IoT security worldwide.

International Anti-Botnet Guide – Our annual publication on combating distributed cyber threats was recognized by the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum among the world’s leading initiatives to increase cybersecurity collaboration.

Cyber Crisis: Foundations of Multi-Stakeholder CoordinationWe identify 12 catastrophic scenarios that can threaten global security and lay foundations for coordinated responses by leading ICT companies and governments.

[1] CSDE, International Anti-Botnet Guide 6 (2018), https://kvh31b.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/CSDE-Anti-Botnet-Report-final.pdf.